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El portal Bubok nos ofrece una, aparentemente, interesante opción para publicar un libro. Se trata de un gestor de publicación de libros digitales donde cualquier autor puede subir su obra gratuitamente. Lo que diferencia esta iniciativa de cualquier otro portal gestor de contenidos digitales es la opción que nos da para imprimir el libro en el caso de que alguien realice una compra. Es decir, los ejemplares se imprimen si y solo si alguien adquiere uno.
El problema surge al plantearnos quién va a querer comprar un libro por este medio, de un autor desconocido, por el mismo precio por el que podría adquirir un ejemplar de las estanterías de cualquier librería. Por otro lado, cuando uno bucea en las condiciones encuentra que la supuesta gratuidad ya no lo es tanto. Entre las diversas opciones de autopublicación la tarifa puede ascender hasta 1.170 € por una serie de servicios de dudoso resultado.
Y un último detalle: en la portada se nos muestra orgulloso el número de usuarios registrados (29.412) y el número de libros publicados (20.380). Es decir, que prácticamente se registran solo aquellos que desean publicar. ¿Quién compra entonces?
The Origins of Herbal Medicine For most of their existence human beings have had various but limited resources for treating injuries and diseases. For thousands of years, sickness was blamed on supernatural forces, and treatments included the use of magic, music, prayer and the incantations, as well as crude operations, physical therapy such as diet, fresh air and exercise, and internal and external remedies based on plants. in about 500 B.C.E. this supernatural view of disease was displaced by a belief in health as a balance of forces within the body, and disease as a disturbance of that balance. This view did not change the role of herbs in medicine, and plant remedies continued to be used therapeutically. They became an important means of treating illness, as they were seen as a way of restoring balance and harmony to the body. Throughout the world there developed many different healing systems based on this idea of balancing natural forces, and relying on the medicinal use of plants. These include the Indian system of Ayurveda, the ancient Chinese and the Native American systems, as well as the system of folk medicine which developed in Europe. Each country or culture developed its own tradition and pharmacy from locally growing plants. China and India have the oldest written traditions. dating from about 1000 B.C.E. Whereas the Indian and Chinese systems still survive today, in Europe the idea of balanced forces within the body gradually disappeared. From the 16th century onward, European cultures expanded into the New World, and imperialism made Western medicine the dominant ideal throughout the world, although not necessarily the dominant practice. Many indigenous systems have been deeply affected by this. Although some countries, such as China, tradition has always been honoured and traditional herbal and modern Western medicine are practiced side by side, in other countries "bush folk medicine was despised, ignored, or even outlawed as politically dangerous. Local healers and wise women many of whom held valuable information were vilified and persecuted. CHINA The oldest medical text in China is The Yellow Emperor's Book of Internal Medicine, which is about 3,000 years old and still consulted today. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the five elements of wood, water, fire, earth, and metal. These elements differ from the European medieval model in that these are not discrete like the four humors but linked energetically, constantly interacting and feeding, hindering, or flowing through one another. Each element is linked to one or more organs, an emotion, a taste, and a season. Specific herbs of the right taste will strengthen the element, For example, the element of earth is related to the stomach and spleen, the emotion is worry, the season is summer and the taste sweet. A tonic for this element would he the sweet root of liquorice, warming and nourishing. READ MORE HERE
ResponderEliminarRumor has it that the heel was invented by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). But rumor has it he invented most things. Through our history high heels have been liked, by women and men for its style and its height building. 'Wearing high heels puts your butt on a stage, where it belongs,' says super model Veronica Webb. A good heel is like a flash car, or an incredible work of art. You don't need it, you covet it, savour it, worship it, and have to have it. A really good heel has been constructed to tilt you at the most flattering angle possible. Why go under the knife, or to the gym? A stiletto is the most effective instant slimmer. Admittedly there is a certain level of discomfort to be endured, but they do hurt less the more you wear them. The only thing worse than a girl in cheap, chunky heels is a girl who can't walk in them. President Roosevelt coined the phrase, 'You have to spend money to make money.' Invest in a pair of Manolo Blahniks, the only stilettos that offer comfort on 10cm, and watch the cocktails and dinner invitations come flooding in. Before you even go near a shoe store ensure that your feet are freshly pedicured and painted; yes, even if they'll be hidden in a closed toe. It is NOT advisable ever to send loved ones to buy your heels. Size can vary according to cut, shape and slant of heel - therefore you have to be prepared to try everything on before you purchase. Heels are tricky enough to master at the best of times, why add to your problems by having a pair that doesn't fit? All you will be able to use them for is as lethal weapons. The thicker the heel the larger the surface area your weight has to spread over. The more wobbly you feel, the more millimetres you should add to the width. Wedges and platforms are excellent ways to achieve instant height and thinner thighs, but try to select a style that is reminiscent of Betty Boo not Scary Spice. Walking within high heels is actually just like riding the bicycle - as soon as a person understands exactly how to ride they will never forget how to. However just like riding the bike, the first time you ride without stabilisers can be very precarious. Shoe Shop - UK has heels to suit everyone and by the way men love to wear high heels too, but more about that another time Shoe Shop uk is an online retailer of designer shoes, boots and trainers for women, men and children FOR YOUR FREE GIFT CLICK HERE
ResponderEliminarUna discusión interesante es digno de comentario. Creo que deberías escribir más sobre este tema, puede que no sea un tema tabú, pero en general la gente no son suficiente conocedores para hablar sobre estos temas. Para la siguiente. ¡Saludos!